Professional Services

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Workflow Assessment

Workflow Assessment

Many business processes are in place for historical reasons.  Sometimes companies don’t even know why processes are carried out the way that they are.  Initially, the reasons might have been valid, but businesses change.  Unfortunately, business processes sometimes carry on well past the date they should have been updated.

A workflow assessment is the first step towards improving your business processes. Interestingly enough, a well done workflow assessment can be used for two things:

  1. Streamlining your manual business processes to make them more efficient
  2. Automating your business processes

Here’s how it works:

  1. We apply a proven methodology whereby we work with you and your team to examine in detail the document-intensive process(es) in question.
  2. We map out the entire process(es), capturing all elements of the workflow including who does what, how they do it, what systems they use, and what documents and tools are used. From this we highlight bottlenecks and challenges within the current process.
  3. We recommend changes to the process, and project key outcomes and benefits.
  4. We document our findings and recommendations in a thorough report that can serve as a launch point for process redesign and implementation.

The development of the strategy will address the following questions:

  • Which documents drive essential business functions?
  • Which documents and processes have the highest potential for re-engineering or refinement to produce benefits?
  • Which documents and process flows have an opportunity to be changed with the best probability for success?
  • What applications and systems are used to produce the documents included in this review?
  • Who are the major stakeholders with respect to responsibility for document performance and efficiencies?
  • Who are the authors, readers, producers and stakeholders of these documents?
  • What are the needs regarding efficiency, legislation and compliance requirements?
  • How well are those requirements being met?

Summary of Benefits and Operational Savings

  1. Overall efficiency increases
  2. Reduced employee time: searching information, reformatting documentation, copying information, and sorting formation
  3. Physical space utilization
  4. Improvements in customer service
  5. Compliance
  6. Employee job satisfaction
Professional Services

Print Assessment

Print Assessment

Were you aware that currently 90% of all North American companies do not know how much they are spending on print, and that print is now the third highest office expense behind rent and payroll? Combine this with the fact that, on average, the typical office worker prints 34 pages per day of which 17% are never used. That translates to 8,840 pages per year with over 1,500 pages of waste. With these numbers it makes sense that more companies are exploring products and solutions to help reign in these uncontrolled expenses. If you would like to learn more about how to better control the print costs in your office, then the first step is a print assessment.

A good print assessment can save you money

Getting your print environment assessed is a smart method of obtaining the information you need to reduce your printing costs and streamline your print environment. At the end of the evaluation, you’ll get a full report detailing your printing practices including:

  • A complete inventory of your organization’s print devices, including networked and USB devices
  • Print usage per device, per department, per location
  • Total cost of current state operations
  • User analysis: user-to-device ratio
  • Print comparative analysis: compare costs of devices
  • Environmental analysis: the environmental impact of your print environment
  • What-if scenarios: making changes to key assumptions resulting in immediate calculations and real time results to review important financial metrics
  • A diagram of what your optimized print environment will look like

Deploying print assessment software: Print assessment software can accurately detail your company’s printing practices and provide a thorough report to help you measure your print usage and workflow. Many organizations see between a 20% and 30% reduction in costs after such an assessment and implementing changes.